The Next Decade of EtonSTEM
The new EtonSTEM structure is designed to promote autonomy, leadership and proactivity. Lead Editors have remit over their own sections and manage their own writers and contributors, who set and meet deadlines and targets by themselves.

EtonSTEM is no stranger to technical issues – originally struck hard by a hack in the 2020s, and then reeling with WordPress instability ever since then, it was about time a change was made.
The amount of publications in the College has ballooned in the meantime - I personally started in F Block knowing only of the Chronicle (run expertly as always), and Lexicon, but since then St Andrew's Day is now a hallmark of magazine deliveries from the Junior Chronicle, to the Agathon, and even a CCF magazine.
It was a no-brainer then, when our WordPress instance had failed and a new Head of Science was in place, that the 4 stalwart STEM magazines should have a chance to be part of something bigger - and that is the new EtonSTEM.
The new EtonSTEM structure is designed to promote autonomy, leadership and proactivity. Lead Editors have remit over their own sections and manage their own writers and contributors, who set and meet deadlines and targets by themselves.
By late 2025 EtonSTEM aims to be a hub for all things STEM, both inside and outside of the School, hosting and promoting competitions and prizes available to students everywhere.
Within the School the publication aims to promote general interest in STEM by allowing Boys to host their own projects which they have a passion for, where a timetabled lesson may not fit quite as well.
Writing is EtonSTEM's bread and butter. That's why we've transitioned to a platform called Ghost, which offers a much simpler composition experience (and it looks better out of the box, too!)
Writing equations has always been a pain point for many within the School, which is why our website now supports LaTeX equations out of the box. Training on using LaTeX on EtonSTEM will be available to writers as needed.
Keeping EtonSTEM ticking is not an easy task. What one year's team may have, another will not. We're still thinking of ways to improve the longevity of good ideas within the publication, so if you're a student in Eton College and have any thoughts, do contact us.